Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Master Bedroom

What we have done:
  • Nada. Except for paint furniture for that room. Two nightstands and a dresser.
What we love:
  • The big bay window. It lets in so much light.
  • The size. It's perfect. I wish we had more closet space though.
What we plan on fixing/changing:
  • Paint the walls (although Stew said he loves the pink...)
  • Paint the trim
  • Paint the closet and closet doors
  • Replace the carpet
  • Replace the fan
  • Maybe some day down the road, replace the window. It isn't as old as the other windows in the house.
  • Maybe do some sort of a built in shelving unit around the bed. Still thinking about that one.


  1. oh and i love the pics on your mirror, cute idea!

  2. oh I guess my first comment didn't make it, but i love the bay window and all the light! i love light!
